
  • 发布时间:2022-08-18 15:20:49   浏览: 次    

  总公司 Head Office

  分公司 Branch Office

  营业部 Business Office

  人事部 Personnel Department

  (人力资源部)Human Resources Department

  总务部 General Affairs Department

  财务部 General Accounting Department

  销售部 Sales Department

  促销部 Sales Promotion Department

  国际部 International Department

  出口部 Export Department

  进口部 Import Department

  公共关系 Public Relations Department

  广告部 Advertising Department

  企划部 Planning Department

  产品开发部 Product Development Department

  研发部 Research and Development Department(RD)

  秘书室 Secretarial Pool


  Department可简写为 Dept.



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