
  • 发布时间:2022-07-16 11:51:36   浏览: 次    


  A: Hey, John. Having not seen you for a long time, hows it going

  B: As a matter of fact, Im not very well.

  A: Oh, Im so sorry to hear that. Whats up

  B: Dont worry about me.

  A: But you look green. Tell me about it.

  B: Just get a cold. I will be well soon.

  A: This is the second time I heard that you got a cold this month. You know that being ill frequently is not good phenomenon.

  B: Thanks for your concern. Frankly, I was in poor health this year and I could do nothing about it.

  A: In my opinion, doing exercise regularly is the most effective method to keep fit.

  B: Whats your favorite sport Basketball, baseball, soccer or else

  A: None. I like swim and jog. But my favorite sport is marathon for it can relieve the pressure.

  B: Aha You love marathon I love it too.

  A: What a coincidence! But there is a question comes to me that why dont you stick to running

  B: I feel lonely because its really a long distance. But now, do you mind my joining

  A: Of course not! Its my pleasure.

  B: Thats really good. I will be passionate if you could company with me.

  A: Me too. Expect that, we also need a balanced diet.

  B: I cant agree more; tell me what you usually eat for you meals.

  A: Well, whats worth mentioning is that dont skip breakfast. I eat a lot of fruit vegetables and drink plenty of water everyday. I hardly eat fried food, such as hamburgers, fried potato. You know, water is very important to us. No water, no life. Whats more, fried food isnt good for our health, either.

  B: Great! You really increase my knowledge in eating! To keep fit, Ill follow you advice.

  A: Further more, what I have to say is relaxing. Take time to relax yourself despite of how busy you are! Everyday you must make some time to relax.

  B: Youre got a point there. Without health, we couldnt do anything! Ill remember this forever! You see, New Year is coming, can we start running together today I want to get a little more health than now.

  A: Sure! Why not! How about running at 9:00 every night Ill be at your dorm gate that time.

  B: Ok.

  A: Dont forget wear sport clothes, and preparing a coat in order to keep warm after jogging, or your cold will be worse!

  B: E. Ill meet you that time. Dont miss your time. Haha, see you tonight.

  A: See you.


  A: Hey there! Wow it has been a long time since i last met you!

  B: Yupp. How are you nowadays

  A: Well, quite alright, what about you

  B: Ohh, it had been a horrible week for me...

  A: How come

  B: Oh well, I need to redo my three thousand words report! Dont you think that it is tiring

  A: Gosh I pity you! Anyway, do you have any plan this weekend

  B: Not really, why

  A: If not, come join me in a game of badminton!

  B: It sounds like a great idea, but Im so sorry, I really need to complete my report.

  A: Oh, ok, I understand. Are you alright

  B: hmmm it will be better if you are able to help me with my report, are you free this weekend

  A: Come on, why not Lets meet somewhere then, let me see where can I help you.

  B: Thats great! Thankyou so much!


  A:Oh man, the weather nowadays is gloomy!

  B: Yeah,it has been raining cats and dogs for the past week!

  A: Argh, this kind of weather totally ruin my mood for outdoor activities! How I wish to see a sunny day!

  B: You know, it had been a week since i last played tennis....

  A: Oh dont remind me of tennis, my heart aches!

  B: I wonder when will the rain stop...

  A: I wonder when will the sun come out again.........

  B: Do you know any indoor activities to have fun with Im really bored.

  A: Let me think... What about a game of chess

  B: Chess! Stop kidding me! You know I sucks at it.

  A: Well, im able to teach you!

  B: Er.......

  A: Hurry on!


  A: sigh, I feel hungry now.

  B: My stomach is growling ~ so what sould we eat for lunch

  A: I would like to try chicken rice though, especially the one in that restaurant, since I absolutely love the taste of the rice, it is so unique that you cant find anything similar in other food!

  B: Well, but I feel like trying KFC instead since their new buddy meal was out! Just like their sloganits finger-licking good!

  A: yucks. I hate fast food, it makes you fat!

  B: It is not that unhealthy actually. Moreover, it will be more advisable then to eat at a luxurious restaurant.

  A: Oh man dont be a wet blanket! Just try the chicken rice inside Im sure you will love it!

  B: No no no, I need to save money.

  A: Alright, whatever. If you want to go your own way, you go ahead. You go have your KFC while i will make my way to the restaurant.

  B: Oh please......hmmm, ill follow you then.

  A: ^0^

  B: Provided that you treat me this lunch.

  A: =.= Fine, lets go to KFC.


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