
  • 发布时间:2022-07-15 10:21:18   浏览: 次    


  Alice: Whos that man over there talking to James

  Alice: 在那边跟James讲话的男士是谁

  Judy: Where Oh, thats Henry.

  Judy: 在哪儿噢,那是Henry.

  Alice: Hes very handsome, isnt he Whats he like

  Alice: 他真帅,对吧他为人怎么样

  Judy: Hes very nice, actually, but rather eccentric.

  Judy: 说真的,他人很好,可是很古怪。

  Alice: Really I love eccentric people.

  Alice: 是吗,我喜欢古怪的人。

  Judy: Yes, but he may be too eccentric even for you.

  Judy: 是啊,可是连你都可能会觉得他太古怪了。

  Alice: Why What do you mean by that

  Alice: 为什么你这话是什么意思

  Judy: Well, havent you heard

  Judy: 哦,你没有听说过吗

  Alice: Heard what No one ever tells me anything.

  Alice: 听说什么从来没人跟我说过什么。

  Judy: Well, apparently, hes been having an affair with his secretary.

  Judy: 噢,他好像跟他的秘书有过一腿。

  Alice: Really! How fascinating.


  Judy: According to Mary, hes divorcing his wife and theres a big fight going on about the children. I thought everyone knew.

  Judy: Mary说他正在和太太闹离婚,而且为了小孩的事吵得很凶。我以为大家都知道。

  Alice: Well, what can I say I didnt know. Oh, I meant to tell you earlier, your blouse doesnt really match your skirt. Those colors dont really suit you either.


  Judy: Oh. Thanks. Look, I must just go and say hello to someone. Ill be right back.



  Michael:Well, I agree. Look, heres Gina-lets ask her about it. Hi, Gina.


  Gina: Hello.


  Michael: Gina, have you met Shirley Shirley, meet Gina. Gina has her own IT company, and Shirley here is normally based in Beijing but is enjoying this fabulous party!

  Michael:Gina,见过了Shirley吗Shirley,来认识Gina。 Gina开了一家IT公司,而Shirley通常是在北京工作,但她现在正在享受这个很棒的宴会!

  Shirley: Hello, Gina. Im Shirley.

  Shirley: 你好,Gina,我是Shirley.

  Gina: Hi, Shirley. Nice to meet you.

  Gina: 嗨,Shirley,很高兴认识你。

  Michael: We were just talking about Judy and how she knows so many people.

  Michael: 我们刚才在谈Judy,以及她怎么会认识这么多人。

  Gina: Oh, yeah. She knows just about everybody. Shes a great networker.

  Gina: 额,对啊,她几乎每个人都认识。她的人面很广。

  Shirley: So how did you meet her, Gina

  Shirley: 你是怎么认识她的,Gina

  Gina: Well, I used to date her brother. Then her brother married someone.

  Gina: 哦,我和她哥哥交往过,后来她哥哥和别人结婚了


  Mary: Whos that tall guy over there


  Susan: Oh, thats George. He looks very drunk.


  Mary: Whats he like normally


  Susan: Oh, hes really reserved, normally. But, from what I hear, hes got lots of problems


  Mary: Really What kind of problems


  Susan: Well, off the record, of course, but I hear that hes got terrible debts. He has his own company, and its not going very well.


  Mary: Really Well, I hate to say this, but Im not surprised.


  Susan: Really What makes you say that


  Mary: Well, he doesnt look very honest.


  Susan: I know, thats the problem. He cant find any customers. Its a pity, really, because his products are very good. Oh, that reminds me. Did I tell you about my new laptop


  Mary: Oh, dont talk to me about laptops. Mine crashed on Friday and I lost everything. I hate them.


  Susan: Oh, really


  Mary: Look, I need another drink. Do you want one


  Susan: Yes, Ill have another cocktail.


  Mary: Vodka martini


  Susan: Absolutely.


  Mary: Ill be back in a sec.


  Susan: OK. Ill wait for you here.



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