
  • 发布时间:2021-09-06   浏览: 次    

  【大学生英语求职信范文 篇一】






  Dear Miss Green,

  I am so glad to learn from the advertisement in the English newspaper that your joint venture ( company ) is in great need of a secretary. I am interested in the post, so I am writing this letter to apply for the job.

  I am an unmarried young man ( lady ). I am 1.78 ( 1.68 ) metres tall. I majored in English when I was studying in the Foreign Languages Department of Shanghai Fu Dan University and I just graduated from the university two years ago. I have been working hard at English and have passed the English Examination of Band Six. Besides, I have won the first or second places in the Spoken English Competition several times. I think I am good at not only written English but also spoken English. In addition, I often take an active part in sports and I am in good health. What’s more, I have gained some working experience, for I have worked as a secretary in a small company since my graduation. By the way, I have gained a knowledge of computer science and I am also skillful at using a computer.

  I am sure I am well qualified to meet all your requirements. If I have the honor to be admitted to your company, I can devote all my time, energies and services to the development of your company.

  I would appreciate your kindness very much if you can offer me the opportunity to be interviewed. I will be looking forward to your favourable answer.

  【大学生英语求职信范文 篇二】

  Cover Letter

  Dear Sir or Madame

  When you read this cover letter, I know I have seen the aurora of hope. Thank you for your kindness for reading my letter during your busy work and give me a chance to show the best aspect of me. My name is LiMing, and I graduate from the software engineering major of Northwestern Polytechnical University. I look forward to applying to software programmer of Tencent.

  As is known to all, Tencent is a pioneer and innovator specializing in software development and network innovation. Working in Tencent will definitely broaden my horizon and sharpen my career development. What’s more, it will help me step into the society and give me a chance to make contributions to development of the society and prosperity of the country.

  As I see it, I can be the qualified candidate for this job. Reasons are as follows. First and foremost, I have gained excellent academic performance in my four-year-college study. My overall GPA is 3.5 and ranks upper 10% among the 220 students of the same major in the grade. Presently, I have adequate theoretical understanding and rich programming experience. Furthermore I have passed CET-6 , which indicates that I have got splendid English skills.


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