
  • 发布时间:2021-08-13   浏览: 次    



  Dear leaders:


  I am a computer information management graduates. Candidates provided by your posts.

  Imagine the difference between universities and the only truly experienced only know, university four-step song - "know of", this time with the popular sense, so I understand the lack of their own and their own advantage. From the initial confusion that now find themselves only. Ran Huang discovered their own values reflected the time has come, and it is imperative.

  University during the period, in line with the attitude of rigorous study, I focus on the learning ability in the actual professional

  Knowledge and practice, as I used to enhance their ability to work, laying a foundation. Computer Information Management computer system to train the basic theory and basic knowledge, familiar with computer systems commonly used software tools, the system has certain hardware and software operation, maintenance and development capabilities, can skilled use of computer systems for information processing and management of application-oriented vocational and technical talent.

  I have said many times as the department's student leaders, the organization has a strong co-ordination and management capabilities. Well and good humor is a sincere, serious and responsible work, willing to endure hardship with the spirit of teamwork. With teachers, students live in harmonious relationship between the institutions on several occasions made various评优honor and awards. And many organizations have been planning to carry out more innovative team activities, the majority of students responded positively enthusiastic participation.

  At the same time I also actively participate in a variety of internship and social practice. Whether it is as a computer company

  Of sales, or Bureau of Statistics of government organizations and institutions like the internship, I have taken seriously, do our best to complete each task. College has been the "social practice and scholarship."

  Choice is the will of both sides, but I will work hard with their good performance to prove that your choice is correct. I hope you can give me this opportunity. Put themselves forward in this venture, I look forward to becoming a member of your organization, give full play to their talents. If your organization will be favored, I would certainly give a continuous learning and positive spirit of dedicated service to your organization and your organization develop a better future!

  Finally, thank you for your reading, look forward to your reply, your company would like to prosperity!




  Dear leaders:


  First of all, thank you for your busy schedule to take time to read my cover letter.


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