
  • 发布时间:2021-11-26   浏览: 次    

41. take photos / pictures 照像 , take away拿走 , take out取出 (work out算出) take care当心 , take medicine 服药 take one's temperature量体温, take one's time别着急,take a walk散步 , take place发生

42. learn by oneself / teach oneself自学 , learn by heart背熟

43. a year and a half (one and a half years ) 一年半

44.have a try尝试,努力 , try out尝试、试验 , find out / about找出,查明, have a good / wonderful / great / time玩得开心, have a (bad) cold(重)感冒 , have a meeting / walk / watch开会/散步/比赛 , have sports进行体育活动 , have nothing / sth. to do with与..无(有)关 , have no idea不知道 , have (one's) medicine服药

45. offer sb sth.给某人提供某物

46.win first prize获一等奖

47.all over the world= around the world =throughout the world全世界

48. all kinds of 各种各样的

49. neither… nor 既不…也不….

50. not only … but also …不但…而且 , both… and ……和…都


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