
  • 发布时间:2021-11-26   浏览: 次    

  分析以上10组句子我们不难看出B组斜体动词均为连系动词,因为如果我们把动词 be(是)的适当形式替代斜体动词,句子能够成立,后面的成分即是表语。
  (1)He was a perfect fool.
  (2)He was a traitor to his country.
  (3)I was very hungry after a long walk.
  (4)Our motherland is stronger and stronger.
  (5)Some of the land was covered with water.
  (6)The story is interesting.
  (7)The flowers are sweet.
  (8)Holding the note in his hand, he was there dumbfounded.
  (9)They were mad.
  (10)He was never satisfied with his success.
  反之,如果把 be(是)动词的适当形式替代 A组斜体动词,句子则不能成立,无法解释,A组动词均不为连系动词:
  *(l)Please be at the blackboard.
  *(2)Be to Pagel6.
  *(3)He was if his duty to help others.
  *(4)Be me some ink.
  *(5)Such words are not a scholar.
  *(6)The black key on the piano won't be.
  *(7)I am sure I am gas.
  *(8)He was too weak to be.
  *(9)He is to school early every morning.
  *(10)I was 3 weeks in Paris.
  例如:1. Do they look tired?
  2.Has she got ready?
  3.Did it become much more expensive to travel abroad?
  (1)It's getting warmer and warmer.天渐渐暖和起来了。
  (2)Are you feeling better now?你现在好点了吗?
  如不能说:* Good medicine is tasted bitter to the mouth.应说:
  Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth.良药苦口。



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